What is Quakerism?


Here are some pictures of what it looks like inside the Meeting House. Behind the double doors is where the worship takes place. 

Quakerism is a sect of Protestant Christianity founded in England by George Fox during the mid 16oos.  Quakerism was brought to America by William Penn, founder of the state of Pennsylvania.  Notorious for getting in the way of politics, King Charles II granted Penn and also to remove the Quakers from the happenings in the colonies and England, a move that also allowed King Charles pay off a debt to Penn's father.  Believing in religious tolerance, Pennsylvania become a safe haven for those seeking asilum, like the Whigs and the Amish.  Today, Pennsylvania is home to many Quaker communities, yet Quakerism has spread across America leading to Quaker schools, Meeting Houses, retirement homes, peace groups, businesses, and more.  


The Quaker Testimonies are the foundation of the religion, remembered by the acronym, S.P.I.C.E.S.: simplicity, peace, integrity, communitiy, equality, and service.  These are the guidelines that all Quakers live by, however, that may look different for each person as there are no rules or docterines.  There are also no religious ministers, preachers, pastors, popes, rabbis, or imams, in Quakerism, making leadership spread out over different members and ministry all encompassing.  


Traditional Quaker worship is a long period of silence, typically an hour, in which individuals, if they feel moved, may rise to share a message; the theory being that the message the from God.  The name "Quakerism" came from the idea that sharing a message made people "quake" because the words of God were passing through their mouths.  Occationally, queeries will begin the meeting as thought guides, similar to Zen meditations.   


Another fundemental Quaker belief is that there is that of God in everyone.  Different metaphors, like inner-light, help Quakers remember to treat every living thing as is it was God itself.  Quakerism can be practices along side other religions because it does not require conversion, it simply requires a person to show up.  It can be a spiritual and communal experience.  As summary, Quakerism is an open religion that calls people to live by high moral values, see that of God in all living things, and listen to their own inner ministry. 

What is Quakerism?